New Viral Photo Moving Status Video । Trending Facebook Viral Video Editing
Hello friends welcome to my website.So friends today I will teach you how to create this type of videos editing in very easily with the inshot app. And in this post i will provide some files for making this video. So first download this files links belowInShot App
This is an one of the best video editing application for Android & ios . This application available on playstote & app store. You can easily download this application and use for free . This app having subscription plan but you can use free when you show same ads . You can easily edit videos & photos.
This application comes with photo editing also . Add multiple layers on photo editing, png adding also some emoji. This apps comes with multiple purposes like status video editing, YouTube videos editing, facebook Trending videos making etc. You have create photo collage.
Every Editor likes simple interface app. So this app having simple and easy Editing interface and having lots of animation and Effects. You can use chroma key and blend video.
- InShot is a best Android application
- Ios Video Editing App
- Available in Playstote & App Store
- Very Easy interface
- Best Video Editing application
- 1cr people already download this app
- This app got 4.6 Rating on playstore
- Only 39mb size of this app
- Easy Interface for beginners
- You can use multiple layers
- Edit Photos & Videos
- Create Photo College
- Video Edit With music
- Unlimited Video & photo edit
- Can add zoom effects
- All events template add
- Use as a professional video editing
- You can make video intro & end screen
- Adjustable Options for photo & video
- Most popular content creator use this app
Follow These Steps
- First Install InShot app from Play Store or app store
- Then Open this app
- Now click on video option
- then click on this blank option
- Now click on right option
- Here you will find the canvas option
- Then select 9:16 ratio and click right option
- Now click on this duration option
- Then click on pencil icon
- Enter the number of seconds of video you want to make here.
- Then click on this tick option
- Now click on this PIP option
- From here go to video option and select this video from here
- Then click on right option
- Now grab any of the video and drag it to full screen
- Then scroll this options and select this blend option
- Now select this screen option
- Then scroll this options and click pip option
Alight Motion
Alight Motion It is a best video editing app. Most YouTubers create status videos from this app. The annual charge of this app is very low and it has a lot of effects. There are more than 100 transaction effects and a large number of effects. Can move photos very easily. You can customize the videos as you like. You can easily send lyrics to videos.
you can create videos through preset . i provide some presets on my youtube channel. so subscribe my youtube channel and collate this files. alight motion app is an video editing app. this app can use andriod & ios Both . most popular app in playstore more then 5cr people have download this app. hav an easy interface . 4.2 rating got on playstore. this apps contains ads from google adseance. you can also purchases this app.
allows updates are avalable foe fixes the bugs & improve performance.
- you can use multiple layers for editing videos
- hdr mods avalable in this app
- 100+ best effects are added
- 50+ english fronts avalable in this app
- you can save your videos on mp4, gif or png formate
- you can add on your videos border, shadows
- multi colour greading
- copy past effects
- motion blur
- add key frame
How To Edit Video For YouTube
YouTube is the most popular video sharing platform. You can upload your video and earn money from Google AdSense. But every youtubers needs to learn video editing. Today I will teach you how to edit videos for your YouTube channel. First you need an one video editing software like Kinemaster, InShot, alight motion etc. You can edit your videos on windows software like Power Director, Adobe Premiere, Open Shot, Filmora, VSDC Video Editor etc . This softwares are not free. All having subscription. You can use crack version for free. When you learn all types of video editing then you can earn money from Youtube videos. YouTube want genuine content for approving AdSense. When your YouTube videos run ads then you are revenue from there.
YouTube release some policies . Remember this policies for approving Google AdSense. When you applying for Google AdSense you remember your channel got complete 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time.