New Trending Sad Status Video Editing In InShot

New Trending Sad Status Video Editing In InShot

New Trending Sad Status Video Editing In InShot

It is an important output device of computer. The image we see on the monitor can be printed on white paper through the printer. When an image is seen on the computer screen i.e. monitor, that condition is called soft copy. But when it is printed on white paper through the printer, it is called hard copy. | Printers are generally of two types
(a) Impact  
(b) Non-Impact

Impact Printer :

This type of printer prints by touching the paper, so friction creates noise. In this type of printer, writing or images are not very clear. Eg: dot matrix printer, line printer etc. 

Non-Impact Printer :

These types of printers print without touching the paper. So there is no friction with the paper. As a result no sound is produced. The text or image of this printer is very clear. Laser printers, inkjet printers are examples of such printers.

Different types of impact and non-impact crushers and their functions:

Practical application of Printer :

The printer is the most important output device after the monitor among the output units of the computer. A printer is essential for printing the output of the monitor on paper. The printers that are currently most important and in demand are discussed below.

Dot matrix printer :

Due to the very low cost of printing in these printers, dot matrix printers have occupied the place as the only printers in various offices, business establishments, schools, colleges, universities and other places for the past few decades. An advantage of this printer is that if two or more copies of a document are required, two or more copies can be made with the help of carbon copy paper.

Structure :

In this printer, with the help of a print head pin, various letters and graphics are printed on the paper by small dots or dots.

The print head of this printer has a set of pins. While printing characters on paper, the print head moves left, right and hits an inked ribbon to produce the required characters.

Printers print by friction on the paper, which creates a noise in these printers.

The print quality of this printer is not very clear as the characters are created with the help of small dots or foot keys.

This printer is not suitable for printing graphics or any images. These printers are mostly used for printing letters only.

Dotmatrix printers usually use Fan Fold paper, i.e. continuous long paper folded with holes.

Nowadays printer manufacturing companies have developed different models (models) of dot-matrix printers keeping in mind different needs. Some of these produce less noise due to friction during printing, while others print faster. Color printing is also possible with some printers using special software drivers.

Size or shape :

Dotmatrix printers are generally available in two different sizes. One is 80 columns wide and the other is 132 columns wide.

Inkjet Printer :

The main feature of these printers is that the printers use liquid ink. These printers do not create friction on the paper while printing on the paper. So these printers do not produce any loud noise. The printing of this printer is several times better than the dotmatrix printer. Both black-and-white and color images and graphics can be printed beautifully with these printers.

Inkjet printers have two separate cartridges for the two types (black-and-white and color) of print. A cartridge contains three inks namely – Cyan, Magenta and Yellow inks. The other cartridge is filled with black ink only. Cartridges have a fine hole at the bottom. Various characters and images are printed by spraying on the ink paper through that hole. These printers can print 50 to 300 characters per second. The ink used in inkjet printers is liquid in nature.

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