Saraswati Puja Spacial Video Editing In Alight Motion 2023

 Saraswati Puja Spacial Video Editing In Alight Motion 2023

Saraswati Puja Spacial Video Editing In Alight Motion 2023

Basic file handling concept of directory, file and folder, viewing file and folder, opera-| tions on file and folder-creating, renaming, deleting, copying, moving, searching

In order to perform various tasks on the computer, a user needs to have a basic understanding of files, directories, folders and various methods of applying these things such as creating files, renaming files, copying files, deleting files and searching for files. etc. In this chapter we will learn more about files, folders and directories and their implementation methods.


The operating system under CUL (Character User Interface) is the MS-DOS GUI (Graphical User Interface) based operating system Windows 95, prior to Windows 98 computers were operated by the MS DOS operating system. In the MS-DOS operating system, numerous files are named a. Aadhar is kept in the field. This field is called directory.

In Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows XP operating systems, the container for storing files is called a folder. Again in MS-DOS operating system, the file storage container is called directory. In fact, directories in MS-DOS and folders in Windows are the same thing, only the names are different.

Process of Creating Directory:

To create a directory, first enter the MS-DOS environment by opening the MS-DOS Prompt.

How to Open MS-DOS Operating System:

For Windows 98:

1st method:

(1) Click the Start button with the mouse.

(2) Clicking the mouse pointer on MS-DOS in the list under Programs will open MS-DOS.

2nd method:

Shut Down Windows

What do you want the computer to do?

(1) Click Start button and click Shut Down button again, the next window will appear.

Shut down Bestan

Restart in MS-DOS mode

(2) Click the mouse on the Restart in MS-DOS mode radio button of the side window and click the OK button below. Clicking will launch MS-DOS.

o Windows XP environment:

(1) Click the Start button and click the mouse on Accessories in the list of Programs.

(2) Click on Command Prompt again in the list under Accessories (see the image on the right).

In MS-DOS operating system

Create directory

Entering the MS-DOS environment will show the (C:\>) symbol on the black screen, with a blinking line (=) next to it. This C:\> symbol is called MS-DOS Prompt and Blinking line. After writing MD in this C and giving any name next to it and pressing Enter, the directory of that name will be created.

Example: MD SCHOOL

Here the directory called SCHOOL is created. Inside this directory we can create different files and different sub-directories.

File: Alight Motion Mod Apk

A file is a document containing some information. Write different information in a file and give it a name. is published by A file has two names. The first is primary and the second is secondary. Files can be named with any English letters (A to Z) and numbers (0-9).

For example, if a person's name and address are written in a document. Then it is considered a file. In this way, any information can be written into a file. When data is written to a file, it needs to be given a name in order to save it to the computer. If you need to write more information to the file later, you can find the file with that name and add the information to the file again.

A file has two names. One is primary and second is secondary. Secondary file can be called extension. The primary and secondary file names are separated by a dot (.) between the two file names. For example: Student. Exe, Config Sys, Command. Com etc.

Among the file names written here, Student is the primary file name and Exe is the file name. Secondary file name. (1) Dot symbol is used to separate two names. Extension Name depends on the application program. If a file is created in Microsoft Word then the extension name will be DOC and if a file is created in Paint Brush then the extension will be .BMP. That is, different applications have different extension names.


A folder is a container or field used in the Windows operating system. I can create numerous files on the computer and store those files in a folder. Or we can create numerous folders inside a folder, then it is called a sub-folder.


We can compare the folder to a desk drawer. A deskdrawer is where we keep different files or papers inside each drawer belonging to the desk and each drawer has a name or symbol. denoted by In the same way, many files can be stored in a folder on the computer and each folder is given a name.

Necessity of creating folder:

For example, when we buy different products in a store, the shopkeeper gives each product in a separate packet. Then we fill all the packets in a big sack or bag. One can think of the individual packets mentioned here as files and the larger bags or pouches as folders. Keeping the products in separate packets in large bags prevents any product from mixing with other solutions and allows the products to be found separately later.

So even if the computer operating system stores different named files in a folder, we can find those files later and do different things with those files.

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